Work With Jeremy David Evans

My Blog Posts

2015 20/Oct
Trust through Transparency

Nothing says confidence like nothing at all. As the Internet brings the economy back to the traditional exchange market, where sellers’ reputations are even more important than their price-point, it is worthwhile to consider what 15 pages legalese says about your brand. As data use within the marketing industry slowly emerges into the light, it […]

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2015 20/Oct
Sex Sells But What if your clients don't buy and tell?

Your brand depends on your integrity. While there are plenty of industries with myriad avenues for marketing, all of them require integrity. More importantly, as modern business becomes more transparent, the moral compass of consumers becomes more prominent as they know that their purchases are easily tracked. Your brand has a reputable image that should […]

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2015 20/Oct
Cost-Benefit Analysis

Marketing takes insight. I am a skilled researcher who immerses myself in any field before participating. By compiling reports with the best available data, combining it with simple explanations, and providing it in a reproducible format, my marketing analyses are highly sought for. Of course, combined with my professional design and development skills, my presentations […]

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2015 20/Oct
Kultured Kitsch Webstore

Scared of Commitment? We get it. Marketing agencies aren’t like they used to be: there are big names and no-names with little space in between. With the advent of low-end markets like Fiverr and eLancer, most small business owners find themselves recruiting droves of freelancers with variable results and weak organization. Plus, content-developers and web-designers […]

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2015 20/Oct
BBB Screenshot

 Better Commerce, Better Communities, Better Communication By making business personal, Better Better Better is enabling new generations of entrepreneurs to tap into their greatest resource: themselves! The website allows for individuals to trade resources freely, promote their personal brand through blogging, and find others geolocally. By integrating personal integrity with business, it is possible […]

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2015 16/Oct

A funny name with real implications. Kulture is about impressions: it is what defines grain from chaff. Kitschiness, on the other hand, is about accessibility and the democratization of that same kulture. Thus, Kultured Kitsch marries these two concepts in all of our designs. Through elegance, we can make it easy and fun to participate […]

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2015 16/Oct
Scientific Earth

Connecting the Internet to Nature’s Web. Scientific Earth is a company that publishes web applications to simplify our interface to the plethora of scientific knowledge. Ultimately, as technology improves, SE is poised to be the Google of scientific knowledge: delivering just the fact you need, right when you need it.

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2015 16/Oct
Between Visits

A Company with a Complicated Pitch… deserves a full-length presentation to win new clients. Yet, how can we hold attention that long? More convoluted yet, BV sells to both Doctors and Patients for very different reasons. This website is the first of its kind to feature a full-length slideshow that traverses the browser in three […]

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2015 16/Oct

Build Relationships, not just Sales. Consumers are increasingly less likely to spend. It takes a reliable company presenting an offer of genuine value to win hearts and minds. In this new Age of Transparency, it takes finesse that is all-too-human for the business logic of the past 30 years.

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2015 16/Oct
Inspire Trades

Founded on a dream, Alex has pursued his passion for trading stock and shared his story as he rises through the ranks. Working intimately with him during the early stages of his project, we established that the largest market was in establishing credibility for his knowledge and intuitive style of trading. This blog has become […]

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